Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Observations on Life in ...

Selangor - Ghetto Styles!

Malaysia is a land of contrast. Rich and poor, overdone cleanliness and dirty disgustingness, wonderful food (claypot mee) and the stuff nightmares are made of (nasi lemak). Overall I would say one of the most noticeable contrasts is that between super-dooper nice people and strange scary Ted Bundy ‘im’a kill you girl’ types. I have met some of the friendliest people on earth here, people that you could ask the world of and they wouldn’t consider it too much. I don’t know if it’s a case of looking bad my comparison, but these mega-awesome people are offset by some of the most scary mo-fo's that I have come across in my 22+ years on this earth.

The streets of downtown Selangor seem to have a disproportionate amount of strange men with sinister glints in their eyes. I'm not used to feeling uncomfortable and unsafe. Aside from a few scattered experiences, I have never really felt concerned for my safety in Melbourne. Malaysia has put me out of my comfort zone, and not always in a pleasant way. I have a newfound fear of random creepy men (and no, I'm not talking bout the Creepy Bangladeshi - that guy is small fry!) Intimidation, random yelling and freaky eyes are their weapons of choice, lethal in the hands of experts. There is a reason you are not getting any action random creeps of various nationalities, and I think your tactics for approaching women *might* have something to do with it. I don’t know where or by whom these arseholes were raised, but it is NOT normal behavior to bunch up and circle a lone girl like hungry sharks. Or to try to pressure and manhandle girls to come with you. If a girl doesn’t want to even look at you, attempting to ‘guilt’ her will not result in her sleeping with you, strange as this may seem to you. Normal relationships have never, and never will, begin with forced confrontation.

I’m not sure where this creepiness comes from. Is it a result of the various cultural upbringings of the various creeps? As a proponent of the ‘stop blaming your childhood as the cause of you being a jerk’ school of thought, I can’t quite see it this way. Is it an extreme and nasty by-product of some men’s attitudes towards women in general? Is it that these men are such social retards that they will never have the chance to be within ten feet of a woman, that they resort to forcing themselves upon and intimidating women? Not being a creepy ‘scare random girls I’m 40 and live with my mother’ type, I can’t really understand the motivation behind such behavior.

But it is intimidating, a feeling that is somewhat forgeign to me. Being independent and carefree and all that jazz, its strange having to rely on the protection of male friends to ward off potential evil-doers. The culture here is generally different to what I have grown up in and accept as the norm. If some random evil type did happen to jump you in the street, I don’t think I could safely assume that everyone within earshot will jump to your aid. It’s not like that. People live just try to get by doing their own thing, maybe because a large but largely silent majority of the population lead fairly hard lives. Maybe if I had their experiences, and had been brought up in their culture, I too would try to keep my head down as much as possible. All in all though, its quite strange and disconcerting being freaked out in public and knowing that people won't necessarily come to your aid if they see you in trouble. Don’t get me wrong - I’m not at all suggesting that the behavior of a few random men is indicative of the wider population. I love the people of Malaysia so freakin much I just wanna pinch their collective rosy cheeks. But the weirdo guys are doing my head in.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Reasons Why I Miss Home ...

Driver straps in beer, leaves kid loose
Tues 13th May 2008

Police in Alice Springs say they were appalled to find a driver put a seatbelt around a carton of beer - but left a five-year-old child unrestrained.

Officers stopped the unregistered sedan on the Ross Highway south of Alice Springs on the weekend.

They found the child sitting in the back seat without a seatbelt, but the driver had put a belt around a slab of beer.

Well, I hope this finally lays to rest the accusations from my Malaysian friends that I come from a nation of beer swilling alcoholics ...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Moral Pickle

So, you really want to know inane details of my life? Okay, if you insist ...

Whilst in Singa (as we 'locals' like to call it), I went to a museum and had my first latter since leaving Australia. *gasp* Like I said, rather inane. HOWEVER, anyone who has ever worked with me at home will know the rate at which I can skol espresso coffee. Standing in front of a coffee machine usually seems to result in drinking shite-loads of the stuff.

in Malaysia my espresso options consist of Starbucks, well, pretty much Starbucks. Sure there are your occasional 'Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf' or whatever else they are called, but in the end, they all kind of blur into one giant multi-national shitting-on-the poor corporation to me. I could go on about the reasons why I hate Starbucks for about 10 years, but most of the key reasons can be found here if you want a good summary of Starbucks evil activities. Oh, in addition, as someone who has made and drunk a feckload of coffee in various awesome coffee shops, I also object to their shitty "ambiance" and the quality of their coffee. Anyway, I digress - the point is I no longer drink 8 latte's a day in honour of my highly distinguished morals and my hatred of stupid coffee chains.

However, I have replaced my latte addiction with an worse one, in terms of both morals and taste - Nescafe 3in1. It's a horrid but strangely addictive combination of pissy "coffee", "creamer" and "sweetener", all of which deserve liberal use of inverted commas. Any self-righteous wanker such as myself knows that Nestle is EVIL beyond a doubt, mainly due to their deeply unethical practises in third-world countries resulting in the unnecessary deaths of babies, which can possibly be considered the worst of their evil-doings.

So - what with drinking this pissy swill every morning, and living in a country where the word 'nescafe' is pretty much always substituted for the word 'coffee', I'm not doing so well ethics-wise. I KNOW the answer to my predicament is to stop drinking coffee, but the effects of that could be human rights violations in themselves. So as you can see, I am in quite the moral pickle, so to speak ...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Singapura ...

I'll not hear a bad word about it!

People that talk down Singapore as boring CLEARLY are clueless as the joys this little nation-state has. I have returned from the future ... or so it feels. Singapore seems a little like Malaysia in the future, which was a little weird. It was also a rocking place. The public transport made me want to shed tears of joy ... and then tears of frustration that other places in the world don't take a leaf out of Singapore's public transport book. Hopefully its something that governments will be aspired to in the future.

The Shezdog and I were lucky enough to arrive in town just before a public holiday, which means an open-house at Istana, the mega-palatial digs of President SR Nathan. After a quick whip around a shopping centre to find some shoes acceptable to His Highness (who apparently doesn't approve of 'slippers' aka 'thongs'), we wandered round the huge grounds and whatnot for a couple of hours. The gardens were AMAZING, and that guy sure has it pretty sweet.

Exhibit A: So sweet it won't even fit in a photo

The Merloin(s) lived up to expectations ... definitely new favourite animal. Other various cool animals were to be found at the Singapore Zoo, which certainly lived up to its 'world class' reputation. Orangutans pretty much roam free around the grounds - how cool is that!?!

"Sudah makan?" "Ya, baru makan"
A common conversation amoungst the People of the Forest

And yes, I can hear you say 'pray tell, dear jax, what has brought about this sudden influx of happysnaps?' Well, fear not poorly speaker of ye-olde-english, for the answer is another new favourite things in my life; my brand-spanking new Canon IXUS 80IS camera in the ultra-retro colour of poo-brown. Takes a cracking snap, even though it has to contend with my altogether dodgy snapping skills. Hoorah!

Monday, April 28, 2008

"pretty much my favourite animal"

"bred for its skills in magic...."

Tomorrow I'm jumping on board the Merlion Express to head down Singapore way ..

The Merlion, for those who are not up-to-date with the latest and greatest in the portmanteau world, is a cross between a mermaid and a lion. As per the norm with pretty much everything in this region, the Merlion has a kick-arse mythology attached to it. Hopefully I will be able to find some ultra-tacky plastic tourist souvenir junk of the Merlion to bring home. Something tells me it shouldn't be too much of a struggle.

I believe that the Merlion is now pretty much my favourite animal, having taken the crown off the Liger. If the Merlion and the Liger had a fight, I wonder who would win....

On another note, I am happy to be leaving Malaysia for a short period of time as I believe the country is trying to KILL ME! The tropical climes have given me a killer ear infection, and the nastiness of Langkawi bungalows has resulted in a rash on my side. I think I have offended the Durian gods or some such equally made up entity, and they are trying to force me out of the country. The upside of all this illness is that I got to see a fine physician by the name of Dr Kwak. Can I get some cheers from my Australians out there! Takes 'going to see the quack' to a whole new level ...

PS - I now struggle to comprehend a pre-wikipedia world.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Only Thing I Have To Say Today ...

Romantic Poets


Half of you were pretty much junkies anyway! Smoking opium pipes and writing some crazy shit down does not make you a genius.For a way more eloquent assessment of The Worst Essay in The World, see Kemi's blog.

I am McLovin ...

The work of illustrator Steven Wilson

... even if he did sell his soul to the devil reincarnate Coca Cola. 'Ahh', I hear you say, 'that's why it looks familiar. I see his stuff in a mass-produced manner!'

Now all I need is a rich benefactor to by a piece for my wall ... or a decent poster place for a knock-off version of the same. By the way, his work looks, ohh, maybe 400 TIMES better when it hasn't been nicked by doing the old 'function-print screen' trick. Instead of looking at this, go to his website for better quality, less dodgy versions of his work. Promise its worth the effort .. even with condo speed connection.

Hope this brightens up your day! jax