Monday, April 7, 2008

My Lawyer Told Me To

Before I write any more on this blog, I want to make a little disclaimer.

If I say something negative about Malaysia on here, it shouldn't be taken literally, or as a sign that I hate Malaysians or their country. Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm loving it here. I'm loving living in a different culture and experiencing everything there is to experience.

But I'm new here. And I'm also a well known whinger. I like exploring the differences between different cultures. Such differences often grate against each other. This isn't Malaysia's "fault" or my "fault" or ANY ONE'S "FAULT"- it's just the way it is. If I find something difficult to adjust to, I might write about it. If I find something interesting about your religion, I might write about it. I am often sarcastic. I'm sorry if this is ever taken the wrong way and found offense. It's just the way I am. I wouldn't ever set out to intentionally hurt someones sensibilities, and I hope that I never have.

I think the main point that I am trying to get across is that if you don't like what I'm writing, don't read it. Recently I (or someone very similar in description to me) was detailed in a student magazine as somewhat of a racist by a "journalist" whom I'm sure was well-meaning and has stacks of research at home to back such claims up. Since then, I have been reluctant to post, well, pretty much anything, less I offend anyone or my blog serves to reinforce the non-existent existence of my racist alter-ego. But I can't really be bothered anymore. I am who I am, so if you don't like what I'm writing, go read something else to whittle away the hours. Like some fantastically balanced state-owned media. Go Barisan National!

love jax


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