So, I don't mean to get all political and on my high horse BUT ... I will. I don't write this in the hope of swaying political views and what-not, but merely as something to ponder over.
- The Fitzroy Football Club and the Brisbane Bears were two separate things.
- The Taliban first gained control of the Afghan capital of Kabul.
- Dolly the sheep arrived on the scene, setting off religious fanatics worldwide.
- No one had heard of Martin Bryant.
- Friends aired for the first time on Australian screens. My friends went NUTS for it, and spent hours talking about Joey and co. (As a child I was force-fed the ABC, and as a result have no knowledge of popular sitcoms of my youth)
- Tupac was still alive! So were Diana, Mother Teresa and Sinatra.
- Titanic was just a crashed ship, not a The Worlds Most Expensive Movie. Leonardo DiCaprio was just that strange kid from What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
- Ellen DeGeneres was still "straight"
- I was in primary school ... possibly Grade Five if my sums are correct.
My little sister was 12 months old. We shared a room and it seemed like she cried NON-STOP, although this may be a slight over-exaggeration by a tired 11 year old. My teacher also had a little baby at home, and we were sleep-deprived chums who moaned about babies. He often let me sleep on the beanbags at the back of the room during times tables. This may explain why my maths and multiplication skills never quite developed to their full potential. 12 x 8 anyone?
- These girls were MASSIVE
In disgust, I began to search for something more. 1996 was the year I first listened to Triple J. I discovered the Smashing Pumpkins and Pearl Jam. The Adore album changed my life! (.. but that's a story for another day. Back to the topic at hand.)
Now I'm not saying the alternative is all that much better ...
... indeed.
However, I don't think Kylie Monogue was right. I don't believe in 'better the devil you know'. I'm sick of making fun of Johnny and his furry eyebrows. I want a new PM to pick on. I'm guessing the Greens don't really have a chance of winning, regardless of the fact our planet is doooooommmmmmmmeeeddd *scary voice*, so the only other option is Ruddy. And I want to be able to laugh at Ruddy's little Mr Sheen face for the next four years.
And although I'm probably aiming a bit too high, I want a leader that doesn't lie to the public . I want to be able to judge for myself what its like to live under another government, rather than just have old people tell me what it was like. Failing that, I don't want one political party having complete control of all decisions made, as at the moment. So, my advice, which his no intellectual basis at all, is to pay attention to what the pollies are actually saying this year. Have an informed vote, rather than just voting for whoever your parents do, or whoever is top of the ballot sheet. Now, I will get off my high horse.
*end of rant*