Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Vagina Monologues

That’s right, I said vagina.

Alternative Title - How to Win Friends and Influence People.

There is no better way to scare friends than giving them a lift ... whilst listening to the audio book version of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. Especially when you forget that it’s playing. And you only realise that it is when what you thought was just comfortable, friend-like silence is broken by the high-pitched statement:

"What the fuck are you fucking listening to!?!"

Excerpt from The Vagina Monologues:

"The woman who ran the workshop told me my clitoris was not something I could lose. It was me, the essence of me. It was both the doorbell to my house and the house itself. I didn’t have to find it. I had to be it. Be it. Be my clitoris."

So, I discovered that apparently not everybody:

A) Finds audio books socially acceptable car listening.

I turned to them to try to get through at least a couple of Shakespeare’s at uni this semester, and well, the little buggers pretty much pulled me through the year! I say audio books are the new black. Or fluoro, as current fashion trends indicate.


B) Finds feminist, monological style performance pieces turned into audio books acceptable car listening.

Now I’m not saying going to say that The Monologues and their ilk are the usual type of thing pumping out of my stereo as I do my nightly laps of Chapel Street. HOWEVER, I was shitty that I never went to see the play when in Melbourne and I saw it at the library and I thought ‘why not?’ AND despite it’s slightly over graphic ‘designed-to-shock’ nature, AND regardless of said friends’ ear-piercing shrieks of disgust, I am enjoying this certain audio book. It’s interesting, and mind-expanding, and makes you think. And while 'mind-expanding' and 'makes you think' pretty much amounts to the same thing, I still have a good point. Maybe it’s just the type of audio book best enjoyed alone. Or alternately, played over loudspeakers at the Annual General Meeting of The Misogynist Association of Australia*. Just so their heads explode. HAHAHA

*Association may be a figment of author’s imagination made up in lieu of actual real life existence of such organisations ... or is it? *crazed feminist conspiracy theories abound*

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