Discovery - Short Hair + Girl = Lesbian
How do I know this?
Well dear readers (yes, all ONE of you), I know this because I got my hair cut short. Like, shorter than usual. And no, this did not result in a 'Oh my God, I love women!' style epiphany. But apparently it should have, according to the patrons of The Worst Club in The World on Friday night, who questioned, informed, harassed and generally told that I was a lesbian, could be a lesbian, looked like a lesbian and generally tagged me as 'lesbianised' due to my haircut.
According to the girl who tried to convert me on Friday night, I was "lost", and my haircut was my way of saying to the world - 'I'm in the closet! Set me free!' Which is a theory, if an absolutely stupid one, but maybe she should try to explain that to the guy that I have sex with regularly. I think she may have failed to realise that the offensive concept that gays can be 'straightened out' is pretty similar to her concept that I could be 'gayified', and that it remains offensive whichever way you roll.
And apparently short hair meant some guy honestly thinking I was the lesbian contestant from America's Next Top Model and asking, in all seriousness, for an autograph for his little sister. Now, I didn't watch to show, but I can pretty much assume that the title is indicative of a few things that I am not. Namely, AMERICAN and POTENTIAL TOP MODEL.
But according to a drunken buffoon, apparently, this is me:
I can accept that. We are pretty much identical twins. Whilst I'm posting pics, Beat Magazine was at the club taking photos and my girlfriends and I got our photo taken. Here's how it appeared in the local street mag.
It's how we roll. (For those wondering, I'm the shiny gold lady-lover down the front)
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